1) Pozzi B, Bragado L*, Will CL*, Mammi P, Risso G, Urlaub H, Lührmann R, Srebrow A. “SUMO conjugation to spliceosomal proteins is required for efficient pre-mRNA splicing”. Nucleic Acids Res. (2017) 45(11):6729–6745. * Autores con igual contribución.
2) Federico De Maio*, Guillermo Risso*, Gabriel Iglesias*, Priya Shah, Berta Pozzi, Leopoldo Gebhard, Pablo Mammi, Estefania Mancini, Marcelo Yanovsky, Raul Andino, Nevan Krogan, Anabella Srebrow#, and Andrea Gamarnik#. “The Dengue Virus NS5 Protein Intrudes in the Cellular Spliceosome and Modulates Splicing”. Plos Pathogens (2016) 12(8):e1005841. * Autores con igual contribución – # “co-corresponding authors”.
3)Risso G, Pelisch F, Pozzi B, Mammi P, Blaustein M, Colman-Lerner A, Srebrow A. “Modification of Akt by SUMO conjugation regulates alternative splicing and cell cycle”. Cell Cycle (2013) 12(19):3165-74.
4) F Pelisch, J Gerez, J Druker, I E. Schor, M J. Muñoz, G Risso, E Petrillo, B J. Westman, A I. Lamond, E Arzt, and A Srebrow. “The Serine-Arginine Rich Protein SF2/ASF Regulates Protein SUMOylation”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (2010) 107(37): 16119-24.
5) Blaustein P, Pelisch F, Tanos T, Muñoz M, Wengier D, Quadrana L, Sanford J, Muschietti JP, Kornblihtt AR, Cáceres J, Coso OA and Srebrow A. “Concerted Regulation of Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Activities of SR Protein by AKT”. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology (2005) 12 (12): 1037-1044.