Dra. Violeta Medan

Cargo docente: JTP
Area: Fisiología y Neurociencias
Materias de grado: Fisiología del Comportamiento Animal.
Materias de posgrado: Neuroetología

Cargo Conicet: Investigador Adjunto
Área: Fisiología y Neurociencias
Tema de Trabajo: Integración Multisensorial y toma de decisiones
Descripción de trabajo: Combinamos mediciones de actividad neuronal con experimentos comportamentales para entender como el cerebro procesa información multisensorial para tomar decisiones adaptativas

2018 – Scarano F, Sztarker J, Medan V, Berón de Astrada M y Tomsic D. 2018. Binocular neuronal processing of object motion in an arthropod. J Neurosci. 38 (31): 6933-6948. 2018

– Medan V*, Mäki-Marttunen T, Sztarker J y Preuss T. 2018. Differential processing in modality-specific Mauthner cell dendrites. J Physiology (London), 596(4):667-689. 2015

– Medan V, Berón de Astrada M, Scarano F y Tomsic, D. A network of visual motion-sensitive neurons for computing object position in an arthropod. J. Neuroscience, 35(17): 6654-6666. 2014

– Mäki-Marttunen, T y Medan V*. A computational model on the goldfish Mauthner cell. BMC Neuroscience, 15: P97. Doi: 10.1186/1471-2202-15-S1-P97. 2014

– Medan V* y Preuss T. The Mauthner-cell circuit of fish as a model system for startle plasticity. Journal of Physiology (Paris), 108: 129-140. 2013

– Curtin PC, Medan V, Neumeister H, Bronson DR y Preuss T. The 5-HT5A receptor regulates excitability in the auditory startle circuit: functional implications for sensorimotor gating. J. Neuroscience, 33: 10011-20. 2011

– Berón de Astrada M, Bengochea M, Medan V y Tomsic D. Regionalization in the eye of the grapsid crab Neohelice granulata (=Chasmagnathus granulatus): variation of resolution and facet diameters. J. Comp. Physiology A, 198: 173-180. 2011

– Medan V y Preuss T. Dopaminergic-induced changes in Mauthner cell excitability disrupt prepulse inhibition in the startle circuit of goldfish. Journal of Neurophysiology, 106: 3195-3204. 2011

– Berón de Astrada M, Medan V y Tomsic D. How visual space maps in the optic neuropils of a crab. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 519 (9):1631–1639. 2007

– Medan V, Oliva D y Tomsic D. Characterization of lobula giant neurons responsive to visual stimuli that elicit escape behaviors in the crab Chasmagnathus. Journal of Neurophysiology 98: 2414-2428.